In 2009, five years after the events of Resident Evil 4, Chris Redfield, now an agent of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA), is dispatched to Kijuju in West Africa. He and his new partner Sheva Alomar are tasked with apprehending Ricardo Irving before he can sell a bio-organic weapon (BOW) on the black market. When they arrive, they discover that the locals have been infected by the parasites Las Plagas.
- Runs: 5
- Runners: 2
- Complete the game
- Complete the extra mode Lost in the Nightmare
- Complete the extra mode Desperate Escape
- Complete the extra mode The Mercenaries o The Mercenaries Reunion
- Choose the difficulty with which you completed the game
- 1.1 Amateur
- 1.2 Normal
- 1.3 Veteran
- 1.4 Professional
- 1.5 Extra Modes
- Choose the character you used in the run
- 2.1 Chris
- 2.2 Sheeva
- 2.3 Jill
- 2.4 Josh
- 2.5 Others
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