
General Rules

  • Runs must START from the main menu or scenario choice screen.
  • Only the creation of saves in the game itself is ALLOWED, the external use of programs (trainers, debug menu) is NOT ALLOWED.
  • Only skin mods ARE ALLOWED.
  • Results screen at the end of the credits will be required in the video, as it’s where the saves and in-game time is finally shown.
  • All damage instances in cutscenes are unavoidable
  • In Jack’s third encounter, you must stand by the door at the phase 3 transition to avoid taking damage.
  • In the ending sequence versus Eveline, you must take only two hits from her screams. Any more than that are considered avoidable instances of damage. (this works consistently at 60fps).

Speedrun Rules

  • Run MUST BE single segmented (No Save).
  • Loading saves, autosaves or checkpoints is FORBIDDEN.




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