Specific Rules
- Runs must START from the main menu or scenario choice screen.
- Only the creation of saves in the game itself is ALLOWED, the external use of programs (trainers, debug menu) is NOT ALLOWED.
- Only skin mods ARE ALLOWED.
- Results screen at the end of the credits will be required in the video, as it’s where the saves and in-game time is finally shown.
- Runs on the PC Version of the game are ALLOWED.
- Runs on Original Consoles (PS, GCN, DC, etc.) are ALLOWED.
- Getting sttagered by gravedigger in the park when you are about to kill it DOES NOT COUNT as Damage.
- Getting sttagered by the steam in the laboratory DOES NOT COUNT as Damage.
- Little spiders sttagers counts as 1 damage.
- GL Tool is ALLOWED.
- Enable “Favorable RNG” and “Tactical Reload” for the PC version of the game it’s NOT ALLOWED. For more info click HERE.
Speedrun Rules
- Run MUST BE single segmented (No Save).