Set in Raccoon City, a fictional town in the Midwestern Arklay Mountains, the player chooses from one of two protagonists - rookie police officer Leon S. Kennedy or college student Claire Redfield - as they attempt to survive when a zombie apocalypse occurs in the city
- Runs: 35
- Guides: 8
- Runners: 7
- Resources: 1
- Ruleset: Yes
- Complete the game with Claire or Leon
- Complete the scenaries Claire A and Leon B or Leon A and Claire B
- Complete all scenaries with Claire and Leon
- Complete the extra mode The 4th Survivor
- Complete the extra mode The Tofu Survivor
- Complete the extra mode Extreme Battle
- Use only the handgun to damage enemies
- Not allowed to use the item box
- Not allowed to run
- Play as Leon Kennedy, Claire Redfield or Others (Hunk, Tofu, Ada, Chris)
- 4.1 Leon Kennedy
- 4.2 Claire Redfield
- 4.3 Both Characters
- 4.4 Others
- Play in the Original Mode, Arrange Mode or Extra Modes (Tofu Survivor, 4th Survivor or Extreme Battle)
- 5.1 Original
- 5.2 Arrange
- 5.3 Extra Mode
- Play in the Easy, Normal or Hard/Nightmare Difficulty
- 6.1 Easy
- 6.2 Normal
- 6.3 Hard or Nightmare
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