The game takes place in the coastal city of Karnaca after the events of the previous title. It follows the former assassin Billie Lurk as she reunites with her mentor Daud to kill the mysterious entity known as The Outsider
- Complete the game with Lethal Ending to The Outsider
- Complete the game with Non-lethal Ending to The Outsider
- Get all contracts at each mission and complete the game
- Get all collectibles and complete the game
- Complete the game twice with different endings
- End the game without being detected by guards, dogs or robots. Undetected checkbox should be marked at the end of every mission.
- Only able to use the knife or items from the environment like any bottle, or whale oil tanks
- Clean hands checkbox should be marked at the end of every mission by not killing any human
- Play in NG+
- Only able to use ranged weapons or items from the environment like any bottle, or whale oil tanks
- No talismans, no bone charms, no runes, no power upgrades allowed
- Only able to knock down enemies with your hands or items from the environment like any bottle, or whale oil tanks
- Only able to use your hands, and can’t use items from the environment
- The use of environment or consumble items is forbidden
- Hide the HUD
- Don't knockout any enemy
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