- All submissions must have video proof in watchable quality and must be completed in one segment to be eligible for submission.
- Game audio must be present, except in cases of a game or technical glitch. Other audio, such as commentary or external background music, may be present.
- You may use any official release to perform your runs with. Small game modifications for runner’s commodity (quick restarts, language patches, music mods, etc.) are allowed, as long as it doesn’t provide any unfair advantage.
- Small glitches are allowed, as long as they don’t provide any significant benefit to the player. Banned glitches: Bagel overflow and any glitch that skips intended parts and bosses, like going straight to the DJs fight by wrong warping.
- Reloading save files during your run is not allowed. You can only do so if your game was closed due to a crash.
- Using Chapter 1 completion files for Chapter 2 runs is allowed.
- A hit is any instance where one of your party members takes damage and white numbers appear to indicate it.
- Damage done by leveling up and by Thorn Ring is NOT a hit.
- Getting "hit" by the cars in the overworld is NOT a hit.
-Chapter 1 runs starts on creating a save file and end on going to bed after beating the dark world. -Chapter 2 runs start on selecting or creating a save file and end on the last Toriel dialogue. -Chapters 1 + 2 runs start on creating a save file and end on the last Toriel dialogue. (Note that you can only continue from the completion save file of Chapter 1 you just created.
Some categories have a little more complextity than what you see on the description so I'll clarify.
- You must complete Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 in the same run using the Pacifist route in Chapter 1 and both Main Route and Snowgrave in Chapter 2.
- You must continue the Chapter 1 save file when going into Chapter 2.
- You must complete Jevil, King, Spamton NEO (Basement), Queen and Giga Queen fights, all in the same run.
- You must recruit every enemy that is able to be recruited (including Starwalker) and have a complete recruit log at the end of the run.
- True Reset is an optional requirement. You will not recieve any advantage in the leaderboard for satisfying it. For True Reset, you must not have any completion data in Chapter 2 and you must not use the bed skip in any of the three chapter starts.- -