
General Rules

  • Undead hunter charms are not a hit.
  • Vow of silence is not a success.
  • Jailer's HP Drain is successful.
  • The game must be set to offline.
  • It is recommended to set Steam to 'Offline' mode (if you are on a PC). This will allow you to avoid certain NPC invasions.
  • Beating Cinder (Victory Message + Souls) is required to complete a run, but other category-specific requirements may need to be met to complete a run in certain categories. You can link the flame at any point in the run.
  • All patches are allowed.
  • For XY only executions, eg XY weapon only, Sorcery only, Pyro only, attacking and/or damaging enemies is only allowed with the unique weapon, as well as fists and consumables. The use of other tools such as a bow to aim or taunt enemies is allowed due to shooting the environment.
  • For miracle only runs, you can use the non-enhanced starting mace until you get Lightning Spear (the first available damaging miracle spell) in Farron Keep. You have to get the spell as soon as possible (you can only kill Gundyr and Vordt from the bosses with the Mace)

Glitches that set your run as unrestricted

  1. Tear Drop
  2. Ladder Warp
  3. Queueing actions to perform animations that cannot be performed otherwise: Duping, Tumblebuffing, Spell Swapping, Bow Glitching
  4. Using a slope quit, or a quit out using spook or silvercat ring to prevent a death from a lethal height.
  5. Going out of bounds: Irithyll Skip, Upper/Lower Partake Skips, Elevator Clip
  6. Using Deathcam: Vordt Skip, Farron Keep Skip, Doll Skip, Vilhelm Skip
  7. Greatwood Skip
  8. Bypassing a fog gate/wall with a glitch/skip/sequence break or quitout, respectively. For example: Sage Skip, Watchers Glitch, Cinder Glitch.
  9. Animation Cancels
  10. Fall damage cancels from a non lethal height
  11. Ancient Wyvern Skip
  12. Irithyll Dungeon Skip
  13. Scream Skip
  14. Tree Skip in Firelink Shrine
  15. Fence Skip in Catacombs of Carthus
  16. Single/Double ladder skip before Yhorm

DLC Rules

To be set


  • For XY-Only runs, e.g. Weapon XY Only, Sorcery Only, Pyro Only, attacking and/or damaging enemies is only allowed with the Only-Weapon as well as fists and consumables. Usage of other tools like a bow for aiming or baiting enemies due to shooting at the environment is allowed.
  • Obtaniaible or not at early game, the player is Allowed to adquire the desired unupgraded weapon for their Weapon XY Only run, at start of the game, using external software.The player can decide either getting there using fists + consumables, or cheating the weapon at start of the game
  • Some weapons are rare drops with a very low chance of obtaining them. For their Weapon XY Only run, the player is allowed to either modify the weapon droprate/cheat the weapon in the inventory, after they defeated the enemy with fist + consumables.
  • For bosses which they are immune to a type of damage all weapons, consumables & other schools of magic are allowed
  • For Miracle Only runs it is ALLOWED to choose the Cleric starting class and starting weapon until you have miracles damage available


