Cuphead is a classic run and gun action game heavily focused on boss battles. Inspired by cartoons of the 1930s, the visuals and audio are painstakingly created with the same techniques of the era: traditional hand drawn cel animation, watercolor backgrounds, and original jazz recordings
- Runs: 119
- Challenges: 1
- Guides: 2
- Runners: 9
- Resources: 6
- Complete a Run 'n Gun
- Complete the game and defeat The Demon in Expert
- Complete all flags (bosses and run&guns) from isles 1-3 and defeat The Demon
- Completar las islas 1-4, el infierno y derrotar al diablo
- Complete all isles, including the secret boss, the king challenge, the run&guns, the mausoleum and unlock the divine relic and finally defeat The Demon
- Complete isle 4 and defeat Chef Saltbaker
- Complete isle 4 including the secret boss, the king's challenge, unlock the divine relic and finally defeat Chef Saltbaker
- Ony allowed to do damage with charge weapon
- Ony allowed to do damage with Peashooter weapon
- Equip Only this charm
- Equip this charm
- Ony allowed to do damage with Lobber weapon
- Ony allowed to do damage with Spread weapon
- Ony allowed to do damage with Chaser weapon
- Ony allowed to do damage with Twist-Up weapon
- Ony allowed to do damage with Crackshot weapon
- Ony allowed to do damage with Roundabout weapon
- Ony allowed to do damage with Converge weapon
- You cannot dash and mini-plane
- Don't equip any charm
- Not allowed to kill enemies
- Defeat all phases from bosses done in your category. Bosses with a secret phase: The Root Pack, Djimmi The Great, Sally Stageplay and The Howling Aces (DLC)
- Defeat secret phase from bosses done in your category. Bosses with a secret phase: The Root Pack, Djimmi The Great, Sally Stageplay and The Howling Aces (DLC)
- Get S rank in every boss
- Defeat every miniboss at King Dice boss fight
- Play the game in the current difficulty mode
- 19.1 Regular
- 19.2 Expert
- 19.3 No difficulty mode
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