
General Rules

Taking damage from enemies or traps counts as a hit. Quitting while in complete darkness is allowed but may not be used to escape a hit. Falling to your death counts as a hit. Taking a hit on a bonus section still counts as a hit. Environments, traps or enemies that do not cause damage do not count as a hit as long as it is not specified. Advanced techniques like slide jump+spin and hobslide are allowed. You must start your run with a fresh game file to avoid using skills/collectibles that are unlocked later. As long as no enemies or traps are around, exiting a level is allowed. You’re not allowed to leave the level if you cannot stay still (e.g. levels with the wild boar, Pura, Polar, races, etc.) Glitchless skips are allowed. (Examples: click here) Major glitches are not allowed. (Examples: click here) For Max% runs, you must show the percentage menu at the end of the run. For No Triple Mask subcategory: Do not take advantage of the immunity of the triple mask. If you activated the effect, you must stay still or go back and do not eliminate or overcome a platform, an enemy or a trap.

Specific Rules for Crash Bandicoot 4

Getting pushed by an enemy or a trap when using Akano mask does not count as a hit, but taking damage does. Getting stunned by obstacles (e.g fences, mushrooms) counts as a hit. Stepping on the barbed wires in the Hit the Road level does not count as a hit due to the difficulty of checking. Nitro’s exploding while touching them midair and not getting damaged does not count as a hit.




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