He is an anthropomorphic Eastern barred bandicoot living in the Wumpa Islands. After the Cortex Vortex's brainwash process failed, Crash became the arch-nemesis of his own creator, Neo Cortex. However, he is often accompanied by his guardian, his sister and their adopted brother in order to fight against evil.
- Runs: 15
- Challenges: 1
- Guides: 1
- Runners: 10
- Resources: 1
- Ruleset: Yes
- Complete the game
- Get 20 gems and activate the secret end without the need to fight versus Cortex
- Complete a level
- Complete all levels (including Stormy Ascent)
- Get all the 27 gems, 26/27 relics. The relics must be golden or platin. Complete Stormy Ascent before defeating Cortex
- Get all gems and activate an ending
- Don't use the triple mask in all the game
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